
Category Archives: Nurse Stories


My Mom Is A Nurse! 10 Relatable Signs You Have A Nurse In The Family

My mom is a nurse. She has the most interesting stories to tell at the end of the day. Sometimes, her stories at the dinner table can be so graphic and grotesque, I can imagine them in my head. Can you relate to this? This is a telltale sign you have a nurse in your family. This article puts down the 10 signs you’re being raised by a nurse.

For example, when you have a nurse in the family, you get to learn medical terminology early on and use them describe what you are feeling. You don’t beat around the bush and tell them as it is. You realize its more efficient that way.

When you also have a nurse in the family, friends and neighbors naturally ask them for medical advice. Its like having a clinic at your own home. How neat is that?

Read more of these signs here: 10 Signs You’re Being Raised by a Nurse


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Virtua Hospital Is Now Magnet-Recognized

Virtua Hospital Is Now Magnet-Recognized

Virtua Hospital is now included in the select few hospitals in the country given the Magnet Recognition for Nursing Excellence by the American Nurses Credentialing Association.

The process was not easy though. Virtua Hospital had to go through a grueling review process from the American Nurses Credentialing Association. Nurses had to be reviewed in terms of education and training, submission of studies in peer reviewed journals, and establishment of nursing best practices.

The magnet recognition was highly welcomed by Virtua President and CEO Dennis W. Pullin. Specifically, he stated that the because of this award, Virtua Hospital will continue to work towards being a High Reliability Organization.

Read more of the article here: Virtua Hospital Achieves Magnet Status


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6 years ago Humor , Nurse Stories

Funny Nurse Stories You Can Definitely Relate With

Nursing is tough. To make things light and fun, nurses tend to find humor in everyday scenarios just to take the stress off their shoulders. This article is a compilation of the best funny nurse stories from different nurses stations.

Some nurse stories about their patients include this story of a woman in labor. This woman tried changing her mind in the middle of pushing her child out. She wanted to go home and even tried to get off the delivery table!

Another story is that of an orthopedic patient who was quite having trouble peeing. His doctor ordered to have him catheterized if he still couldn’t urinate. The nurse thought that everything was over when she saw an ample urine output from the patient…she couldn’t be more surprised when the patient told her it was apple juice all along!

Can’t get enough of these samples? Read the rest of the stories here: Nurses share the 12 funniest things they’ve heard patients say.

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The American Nursing Life In A Nutshell



The American Nursing Life In A Nutshell

For starters, nursing life is considered to be hard and no fun at all. However, this article gives a comprehensive overview of what nursing life really is.

Nurses should have thick skin and a soft heart. Having a thick skin can help a nurse interact with rogue patients and bullying doctors. Having a soft heart helps nurses take care of patients who need it most.

In addition, this article confirms the fact that nurses have trouble maintaining a work-life balance. They mostly work 12-hour shifts with high chances of overtime. They could not go home if their patients still need them. However, at the end of the day, they believe that being a nurse is all worth the work. Do you agree? Read more about the article here:  What it’s REALLY like to be a nurse, one of the most satisfying and in-demand jobs in America right now.

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Why Become A Nurse? This Nurse Answers The Question Why She Chose Nursing Over Becoming A Doctor

When was the last time someone asked you “why become a nurse?”. It is as if being a nurse is lesser than becoming a doctor. This nurse slams people looking down on the nursing profession by saying that nursing is entirely different from being a doctor. Nursing should not be a stepping stone to becoming a doctor.

When asked why a nurse and not a doctor, she answered that she prefers the caring, psychosocial model of nursing over the strict study of anatomy that comes with studying medicine. She also prefers having more time to herself and her family. When you’re a doctor, especially if you’re in primary care, you have to take extra work home. You will also have to be on call 24/7.

You might share the same heart for nursing. Watch her on-point video here: Why I Chose to Be A Nurse Instead of A Doctor

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Best ER Stories From Nurses Revealed

Smurf-blue people, people with random things up their bottoms, a man’s feet eaten by maggots. From the most bizarre to the most heart wrenching, hear ER stories from nurses themselves. In this video, ER nurses spill some of the most interesting stories that they saw inside the ER. What’s most admirable is that they share these stories with amusement, not even mildly grossed out.

Emergency nursing entails a lot of patience and endurance. It is not for the weak of heart. Not everyone would want to do what ER nurses do. Interested to hear their stories, too? Watch this video to find out: ER Nurses Share Their Wildest Stories.

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